Packing tips and advice.
Pack early, pack well.
First of all, you should try to complete as much packing as possible to help you determine the storage unit size you will need. If you start early and pack well, your move will be smoother and faster. Read on for more helpful packing and storing ideas:
Tips for packing your goods for storage.
Use a system – One way is to mark each box (on its side!) with a number and the room it came from. Keep a notebook with dates packed, the box number, room and its contents. This way, you have a record of everything in storage should you need to access anything.
Choose the right size boxes – Pack boxes all the way to the top (don’t leave empty space in them) and put heavy items in small boxes and light items in bigger ones. And don’t forget to mark extra heavy boxes! Your back (and your removalists) will thank you.
Protect fragile items – Pack breakable items snugly using bubble wrap and mark these boxes clearly with the word ‘fragile’.
Don’t overfill – It can be tempting to cram as much into a box as possible, but bulging boxes are unstable when stacked, so don’t scrimp on boxes!
Where possible, disassemble – To save on space, pull apart anything that can be disassembled easily. But don’t forget to tape nuts, bolts and wheels to the furniture they were removed from or they may go missing.
Make use of drawers and cupboards – When storing furniture with drawers or cupboards, use these spaces to store smaller items (but remember to note this in your notebook!).
Tips for packing your storage unit.
Pack boxes into your storage unit from the back then use the front for odd-shaped items
Group similar items together and try to store room-specific boxes together
Utilise all the space (including height) inside your self storage unit and store long items vertically
When stacking, place heavy boxes at the bottom and light or fragile items toward the top
Make a note of the whereabouts of every item so you can find everything later